Most accountants now send their clients regular mailshots about tax, accounting, regulatory and financial issues.
So of these are topical issues and some are just raising awareness of existing practice. But if you have an accountant, why should you also subscribe to their technical newsletter updates?
With GDPR upcoming, everyone is being inundated with emails asking them to opt-in. Accountants are no different and are having to do the same.
Most people are seeing low opt in rates, with many receipts set to no longer receive update emails. But why should you care – isn’t that what your accountant is there for?
Here are just some of the key reasons:
Most accountants use the newsletters as a way to update all clients on changes to tax, accounting, audit, regulatory and advisory issues.
This is particularly the case for changes that affect all businesses or individuals and where it is simply not practical or time efficient to contact each client singularly.
If you are not opted-in, you won’t know about the latest changes and news.
Often you get the most out of your relationship with your accountant by putting more in.
Clients who have a general awareness about the latest issues and ask the right question at the right time, tend to get the best of the relationship.
Waiting for your accountant to chase you up for a meeting or update call can lead to a one-sided association. Receiving the latest updates put you in the best position to do so.
Many accountants give ‘guest spots’ to third parties to write articles.
Many accountants are not authorised to provide investment, financial, insolvency, legal or similar advice. They therefore cannot provide this advice to clients on an individual basis, however they will provide guest spots to third parties in their newsletter. This is therefore a way to get other advice.
Free advice!
Who doesn’t love free advice? Accountants generally charge for all advice, and whilst their newsletter may technically not be advice, it can provide a lot of useful information that may otherwise incur a fee.
Keeping up to date with your accountant’s circumstances
Accountants often use mailshots as a way to update clients on important changes within the practice like takeovers, moving premises, staff promotions and retirements and new service.
If you choose not to receive the email updates, you may miss important news. These are just some of the good reasons. Opt-in now to continue to receive our updates.