If you are looking to form a limited company, you may wish to use an online company formation agent. The Association of Company Registration Agents (ACRA) keeps a list of formation agents, who have agreed to work to certain standards.
They will be able to provide you with guidance on your start-up and assist you with the formation of your company. Company formation agents realise that a company formation can be an exciting experience, as well as being overwhelming at times.
Before you register a new company, you need to make important decisions and there are many things to consider. Some of the main questions to ask include:
Which company type suits your business? What are the benefits of a sole trader or limited company? Visit www.sole-trader-or-limited-company.co.uk/ for information and guidance on which company structure is best for you.
What should your company name be? Is it available? Does it have sensitive words?
Who will your directors, shareholders and company secretary be?
What share capital do you want?
Do you need to contact Tax Accountants or Tax Advisors?
Do you need a Business Accountant?
What will your tax and accounting obligations be?
Do you need a business bank account? How will you get one?
Where should the registered office address be? Make sure you know the implications of using your own address.
Wisteria Formations, one of the leading UK Company Formations agents, can assist you with the big decisions your company needs to make before registering.
As part of Wisteria Limited, Tax Accountants and Business Accountants based in London, our professionals can assist you during the growth of your company at the formation stage and in the future and your company formation service will be quick and reliable.
For more information please contact [email protected] or call our company formation agents 0844 893 0808.