News & Press

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If you want to learn any more about any of the subjects we’ve covered, from small business tax advice, to how to complete a financial audit, get in touch today or visit our services page.


Movember Update Day 27

Day 27 and Richard's mood has changed as he realises Movember is almost at an end... Nick Tagg  Tauhid Ahmed Chris John Richard Sham Andrew Millet To see the difference of our Mo’s from day 1 to date, see here and...

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Movember Day Twenty-Eight

Day 28 - photo update....only half of the team got the memo about red jumper Thursday! Happy Thanksgiving Paul 'different outfit every day' Rugeana   Tauhid 'growing a beard' Ahmed   Richard 'wear a different jumper a...

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Movember Update - The Final Photo Shoot!

Day 29 and the time has come for the final photos to see the outcome of all the hard work that has gone into growing these moustaches for a good cause. The close ups to prove the progress of the hair growth are more necessary for certain...

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General, Opinion

Budget 2014

This week saw George Osborne deliver his 2014 budget speech which in his own words was a budget for those who are ‘a maker, a doer or a saver’. So what exactly does the latest budget mean for the UK public? One of changes to come into effect...

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General, VAT

Tax Advisors and Business Accountants

Once you have set up a company with your company formation agents, there are a number of complex factors to consider including personal tax, company tax, accounting and legal matters. This is why it can be beneficial to seek professional...

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Business Planning, Company Formations, Events, General

Save the High Street! Support Small Business Saturday on 7th December 2013

What’s happened to our high street? No longer a thriving hub of diversity, quality and sophistication, but a breeding ground for pound shops and closing down sales. Dominated by corporate chains and suffocated by out of town retail parks,...

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Events, General

Small Business Saturday competes with Black Friday

If you've been shopping this weekend you may have seen long queues, frantic shoppers and huge discounts. Black Friday, an American concept that sees retailers slash prices after Thanksgiving to mark the start of Christmas, swept across...

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General, TAX For Companies, VAT

Tax Consultants and VAT Registration

One of the most important considerations when incorporating a new company is to fulfill the necessary tax requirements. For this reason tax consultants play a vital role in ensuring that their clients are paying the correct but lowest amount...

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General, Opinion

How Will The Budget 2014 Affect You?

As the country begins to digest the facts and figures of the budget, the question many of us want to know is, “How will the Budget affect me?”. Most people will find themselves in at least one of the following categories - here’s a rundown...

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Inheritance Tax in 2017

Famously called the only voluntary tax, inheritance tax is a concern for many individuals and couples, even though to this point, the number of people actually paying inheritance tax is relative small. Total government receipts from...

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General, Press

British Accountancy Awards 2015 - Wisteria announced as winner of prestigious Community Award

The 5th British Accountancy Awards have now taken place and Wisteria has been announced a winner of the “Community Award” as a result of their outstanding work with a local charity Choices 4 all. Nearly 700 guests attended the awards, with...

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Increasing Equality for Gay, Lesbian and Same Sex Partnerships

This is evident from the passing of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 which enabled same sex partnerships to have the same rights as opposite-sex couples. This came into force in the UK on 5 December 2005. Further to this, in March 2014, the UK...

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